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Support Local Journalism: Community Word is a locally owned, independent newspaper unbeholden to corporations, politicians or special interest groups.

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Submissions should be no longer than 200 words. Community Word also welcomes letters-to-the-editor. Send submissions to: Community Word, c/o 621 Commercial St. We do not consider anonymous submissions. Authors should submit a brief bio of several sentences to publish with their article. Submissions should be exclusive to Community Word and should be no longer than 500 words. Submission Guidelines: The Community Word welcomes submissions of opinion articles on any topic. Pick up your copy of the Community Word at these LOCATIONS. For information on advertising, visit rate card.

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The Community Word is published monthly and is available free of charge at businesses throughout the Peoria area.

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Publication of any advertisement is not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or service. Suite 1A-B, Peoria, IL 61602, and opinions expressed in the contents of articles and editorials are those of the author and not necessarily those of the publisher, Community Word LLC. Brian Ludwig, Managing Editor, c/o 621 Commercial St. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website ).Community Word is published monthly by Community Word LLC. (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on 10:24 AM IST. We took the complaint from this morning very seriously, and within minutes, police were on the site, which eventually resulted in the arrest, they added. This TikTok Video of Woman Being Harassed by Creepy Man Is Relatable to Many Girls and It’s Enraging. We recognise that this most recent event may raise some concerns within the community, said the local policing team. He is still being looked into for these instances. The individual was previously detained on suspicion of producing a public disturbance in connection with occurrences in the neighbourhoods of Cleeve, Claverham, and Yatton in October of the previous year. Three minutes after receiving the report, officers arrived on the site and apprehended a guy in his 30s who was nearby, the police added. At 12:07 in the morning, a member of the public called us to say that on Accommodation Road, a man wearing latex had leapt out in front of her car.

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