
Hottie police officer night at the roxbury
Hottie police officer night at the roxbury

hottie police officer night at the roxbury

Glad to see the forum is back up! I tried to submit this last night, but it didn't work. Be nice to them, but don't let them walk all over you because some(most) will try.I have done this hundreds of times over lots of years without anything more than occasional frustrations about not getting what I hoped for, but always be carefull because there are lots of girls who are really just hoping to get your money without providing service so use common sense and figure that sometimes its just not your night.,stay safe Always wear protection, most of these girls are druggies no matter what story they give you.remember that some will pick pockets if given the chance so only carry what you plan to spend. The most likely spot to see a S/W is on the block around the 7/11 store.Anyplace you go the basics are the same, let her make the offer,and be clear what she is agreeing to do and for what price, dont give her any money till your about to do it.

hottie police officer night at the roxbury

I have got full service for 25 there, but you should expect to pay more than that.In Lynn the areas are on Union st Washington st and around the commons, there are others here that know Lynn muchg better than I do so I wont say more than that on Lynn.Shirley ave in Revere is hit or miss as well, the girls hang out on the end near the beach and at the bar on the corner of Ocean ave near the T station. turn left at Rileys roast Beef and you see the Hotel Stanley,the blocks around the hotel are a good bet in Chelsea,prices in the area go 25 and up.

hottie police officer night at the roxbury

The girls are not usually as good looking as in chinatown, but those prices in C town are often 50 and 100 depending on what you want her to do.Dorchester Ave in Dorchester is a hit or miss stroll,prices are a bit higher than in Roxbury.best areas are north of where the train bridge goes over and about a mile farther north till about where the burger king is.Some guys like Talbot st in Dorchester, just off Blue Hill Ave and until you get to Washington st Dorchester.North of the city the best bet is Chelsea/ East Boston areas.Meridian in East Boston is the best stroll especially near the Mobil station by the bridge that crosses to Chelsea.You can go across the bridge and stay straight on the same street, and your on the Chelsea stroll. Roxbury is the cheapest pricewise in the area, $20 can get you full service, most girls will ask for more then settle for 20 to 30. I will make a basic places post because this forum is new, everybody should know there is lots of information still on the old forum that can be read.Outside of downtown Boston the most active area is roxbury.

Hottie police officer night at the roxbury